Adobe Connect Learning offers immersive, engaging and collaborative virtual classroom experiences. Discover the true power of virtual training with the complete digital learning solution.
- Train and participate directly from mobile devices
- Deploy interactive mobile experiences including breakout sessions
- Enjoy hosting, file sharing, whiteboarding, and emoticons via mobile
- Allow participants on desktop to enter hassle-free with no downloads
Deliver immersive live virtual classroom experiences
- Measure live learner participation with engagement monitoring
- Brand-able, customisable and persistent virtual classrooms
- Streamline live session management with intuitive backstage tools
- Maximise engagement with extensive interactive options
Support blended learning with synchronous and asynchronous content
- Create curricula with prerequisites and test-outs
- Manage enrollment notifications & reminders
- Generate course catalogs to enable self-enrollment
- Measure effectiveness with detailed learner reports
Create and deploy engaging on-demand learning content
- Generate structured curricula with enhanced learner enrollment management
- Rapidly generate and deploy content using our Microsoft PowerPoint plug-in Adobe Captivate and Adobe Presenter
- Create content once and publish across devices, including SCORM and AICC content
- Integrate with your existing a Learning Management System (LMS) or use the built-in LMS features