“To the bird that feasts upon berries, theirs is the forest. To the bird that feasts upon knowledge, theirs is the world.”
After a wonderful Powhiri welcoming ceremony and opening address, this year’s NZATD conference got underway in Auckland in mid-May.
Featuring an incredible group of keynote speakers including Nigel Paine, Jane Bozarth, Cathy Moore, Trish Uhl, Paul Matthews and Patti Phillips, along with impressive local presenters, the conference provided invaluable knowledge and insights on learning theories, latest technologies, innovative approaches and forward thinking.
Here are a few session highlights:
“Building a learning organization has little to do with Learning (function); it has to do with creating the conditions under which learning can flourish.” – Nigel Paine (@ebase)
“Our reach in learning and development is wide, and our roles are changing. Organise around roles, not the org chart.” – Jane Bozarth (@JaneBozarth)
“(Re)set the meeting agenda- Set up a meeting to clarify the problem and need. Keep asking questions. Don’t agree to a course; define the project. Help the client (internal stakeholders) see for themselves that there are many solutions.” – Cathy Moore (@CatMoore)
“The best way to learn something is to prepare the lesson plan” – Paul Matthews (@PeopleAlchemy)
Along with many interesting sessions and networking opportunities, the conference also featured an Awards Dinner, showcasing some of the incredible projects completed throughout the year by teams at Ports of Auckland, the Bank of New Zealand and others. It all made for an incredible couple of days of professional development and an event which I look forward to attending again.
NZATD – nzatd.org.au and @NZATD on Twitter.